About Us

This is the story behind Sweet LAE Boutique ...

LAE- Leilani, Aleina & Eliana. The names of my 3 girls. Sweet LAE Boutique was created in March of 2018. I had just had my third daughter and I thought to myself I really wish I can make some income while being at home.I wanted to help contribute to our family financially while I was on maternity leave. So I told my husband about my idea and he told me to follow my dreams and gave me some money to start. I went from a couple of runs to a small rack in my living room to a whole boutique room in my home.

But why a clothing store you might ask? I did not grow up with much, we spent the summer going to garage sales and thrift stores. My clothes were not always new but I had an eye for fashion. Clothes were always important to me. I enjoyed putting outfits together and getting dressed up. It was a childhood dream that I simply never let go of. I originally started with just clothing, then I started making Car Freshies and now I make custom tees which I am really passionate about.

I decided to start a Facebook group for the business. My first customers were family members and ladies that I worked with. My group grew from having under 100 followers to over 2,000. I am a one woman show. I handle FB, invoice, ship and inventory! I have no background in business or marketing. I never attended college. I am a 31 year old mother of three. That is it.. I am just an average person who had a huge dream and is making it happen. I work late every night, pray every single day for my business to work and try go above and beyond to keep my business on track. I am determined and stubborn. I was not going to take no for an answer. My goals for the business are to simply be happy, provide for my family and offer fashionable yet affordable clothing to local girls and out of state customers that I have. I love my job and the customers that have become my friends. I am my biggest competition. I constantly strive to be better than I was the day before. To work harder, pray more and stay happy. I am so thrilled at the amazing journey this has been. & this wouldn't be possible without you!